2013-03-18 11:57:59 UTC
She has her own website where she was taking financial donations so she can race every week. She done did lied to the media that she was a NASCAR driver and those who were not knowledgeable of auto racing began forking over money to her not realizing that they were being duped. She would tell her fans when she would be at a Nationwide race and the money began pouring in. What they didn't know is that she wasn't even at that particular race that day. The dumb saps didn't bother to look at the Entry List to see who was racing so they were dumb enough to give. Finally word got out that she was a liar and only raced 1 race, but not Nationwide, and she only completed one lap and was forced to quit the race. On top of that, her entire racing record was a lie too. They also found out that she's had prior arrests too. She conned a lot of people out of money for lying and I was wondering why nobody is going after her to get their money back. Thank God I wasn't one of the ones that donated to her cause because I smelled something shady from the word get-go, but she pretty much committed fraud by lying to people about her accomplishments and what she was going after only to find out that it was a lie. I'm surprised the police or FBI aren't investigating this lady because she deceitfully took handouts from people, prayed on their lack of knowledge of the sport and their stupidity, took their money and ran. What is taking the police so long to look at her.